This week, I am starting the #BeBoldGirl series … a monthly series of guest posts from women just like you and me who are being bold on their journey with Christ. Today, my friend Sarah Travis is kicking off the series.  Sarah is also UK-born and bred, so we have some things in common.  Welcome, Sarah!  #BeBoldGirl!

I can SO do it all!!!

I can work five days a week, including a 1 hour + commute in DC traffic each way.

I can volunteer on the P31OBS Teaching Team.

I can prepare messages for Christian conferences.

I can complete a 50-60,000 word manuscript by mid-April!

My husband, who I believe knows me better than I know myself, very lovingly pointed out…

You can NOT do it all Sarah. I KNOW you and you will leave the manuscript until the last minute because you are a procrastinator. If you continue to work at your job, this book will not be the best it can be. 

You would think I’d be used to him being right by now!

His words echoed the very words I was reading that week in Taming the To-Do List by Glynnis Whitwer.

“The idea that we work better under pressure is a myth we tell ourselves to justify our delays…In our rush to finish, our results will be superficial and lacking richness and depth.” and “Chronic procrastination means chronic stress.”


It is true. Friends … I AM A PROCRASTINATOR!

Glynnis goes onto say in Taming the To-Do List:

“Here’s the truth about those mighty men and women, hand-picked by God to carry out BOLD adventures and who saw God perform miracles: they didn’t let fear stop them! They took the first step of obedience in the midst of their fears.”

My first step was asking my work if I could go from full-time to part-time. Honestly, it was my way of compromising and giving time to writing, while also holding onto my job and salary. However, the Lord and my husband had prompted me to take a full-sized step, not a half-sized one! The following Monday morning before heading to work I read the words: “partial obedience is disobedience” from Whitney Capps on the First 5 App.

I knew in a peace-filled {and slightly apprehension-filled} instant what I had to do. I turned my half step into a full step and handed in my 4 week notice when I arrived at work.

Freedom comes from full obedience and often involves bold steps of faith, trust, and a misunderstanding look from the world around us!

Since handing in my notice I have felt the peace of God wash over me. He has actually placed another significant task on my plate since then and there is just no way I could work full time and do it all! I didn’t know He was going to hand me this other assignment until after I handed in my notice, but it is a further confirmation of doing the right thing.

How can I be so bold?

I will be honest, the idea of leaving my job and us becoming a one-salary household is daunting but here’s the deal…I can be so bold as to take this step because it came with confirmation from His Word and other reading, support from my husband, and a peace surpassing all understanding. Tomorrow is my last day and I look forward to using my time for the tasks the Lord has given me!

can be so bold as to take this step because I know it is God directed.

“and whenever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you: ‘This is the way. Walk in it.'”  Isaiah 30:21 HCSB

How can I be so bold?

Faith. Although my faith wavers at times, it is routed in the love of Christ and my trust over His sovereign plan for my life. I can take bold steps of faith because Christ was first faithful to me when He took a bold step toward the cross and sacrificed all for me.

“in whom we have boldness and confident access to God because of Christ’s faithfulness.” Ephesians 3:12 NET

Is the Lord asking you for bold obedience today?

About Sarah Travis

Sarah Travis is from Scotland, but currently lives in the DC area with her husband Jason. Together they love road trips, walking, and anything salted-caramel! Sarah is a writer, speaker, and inspirational Bible teacher with a passion for helping women realize and believe their acceptance and belonging in Christ, not in the world.

Read more from Sarah Travis on her blog at where she is currently studying the A to Z of God’s Character through the month of October. Connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.

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This week I am linking up with Suzie Eller at #LiveFreeKelly Balarie at #RaRaLinkup, Holley Gerth at #CoffeeForYourHeart and Holly Barrett at #TestimonyTuesday

  • Getting ready to write my #BeBoldGirl post, and my goodness, how my soul needed to read this this morning. Thank you for your honesty, Sarah! So nice to get to know you a little better here. 🙂

  • Wow! I’m in such a place – I feel God pulling me from my full-time job and I know I can’t keep doing it all, but it’s so hard to walk away from the salary that pays our bills. I know there’s a reality in here and waiting for God to show me the steps to take. Thanks for this encouragement and love that you took that bold step – the full step – toward where He’s leading you.

  • Your post really spoke to me today. I’ve been in a similar situation and know the feeling of letting go of a full-time job and salary. It’s really tough. Fear can be such a strong motivator, but God asks us to step out in FAITH! Thanks for a post that encourages us to do just that!

  • Sarah, BE BOLD! Half-time or full-time? My topic was about part-time or life-time commitment today.

    Im so glad you followed where God is leading you.And I’ll see you mid-November!

    Rachel, I’ll see you in Israel! So excited! Hugs. Neighbors today at RaRaLinkup.

  • So encouraging! I dream of the day I can finally take that whole step into where God’s calling me although I sense He’s still getting me prepared. Way to go – and good luck!

  • We just went through the SAME thing, and like you, my husband knows me better than I know myself sometimes. We just became a one-time full-time income as I fully immerse myself in my blog and my passions God has led me to in the last few years. Good luck and blessings on your journey!

  • Thank you so much for encouraging me to be a #BeBoldGirl! It is an honor and privilege to share my most recent bold step with you and your readers and it is my prayer it would be an encouragement to someone today who feels anxious about the bold step they know they are being called to take 🙂

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