God doesn't want you to feel empty. He wants to fill you to overflowing.

In a few days time, my three children will be packing their bags and making their way back to college.

It’s later than most students, so I’m enjoying their company as much as possible.

Two will be across the pond in England. I know I will not see them again until Christmas. “How did that happen?” I ask.

It’s a question my friend Kim Wilbanks asked: “How did they end up being so far away?” Kim found the transition left her with an ache in her heart and a hole in her life.

Perhaps in the last few weeks, and for the first time, your child has gone off to college.

Maybe, you have said goodbye to the youngest child and now your home feels empty.

Or, it could be you’re dreading the day arriving when you’ll no longer be picking up dirty socks, urging your son to get out of bed so he’s not late for school, satisfied knowing your daughter has come in the door and is safe after an evening out with friends.

Whatever you situation, we’re not meant to stay stuck.

Kim learned how to be bold during this time in her life. She learned to listen in the quiet and follow God’s nudging for the next thing.

God doesn’t want you to feel empty, but to fill you with overflowing.

So, I want to share again, my friend Kim Wilbanks #BeBoldGirl story: A Bold Response to a Gentle Nudge.

Linking up with Holley Gerth at #CoffeeForYourHeart and  Jaime Weibel at #SittingAmongFriends

Don’t miss any of the inspiring #BeBoldGirl stories

And invite  your friends to join us, too!


  • Rachel, I was caught by the title and so glad I read on…I just sent my oldest to China for 4 years, so this is a timely encouragement for me. Yes, God was want to fill us to overflowing, and I’m finding I the white space to beautiful space for Him to do just that. Thanks for this reminder that even as our role of mother is consuming less of our time, God is already making a way for us to move in new directions.

  • I just sent my only child off to college for the third year, and I’m still trying to figure out how that happened since she was JUST in third grade yesterday! 😉 My blogging journey started when she went to college, and it continues to evolve. It’s funny, I encourage her to be bold in her new season, and she encourages me to do the same. Now I’m going to pop over and read Kim’s story. 🙂

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