There are thousands of Filipino women who leave their families and homes to find better pay working in Hong Kong. These are the courageous girls I noticed gathered in the covered walkways when I was there last week.

And then there are the “ah yi” (middle-aged women) who are regarded of little value to society except for retirement.

Yet, I saw how Bonham Strand, a Hong Kong tailor and social enterprise, invests in these women and changes them into productive individuals. Bonham Strand gives them the opportunity to contribute and improve their standard of living.

Screen Shot 2016-05-09 at 10.44.26 AMI met Wing, a seamstress. We exchanged warm welcomes using the international language of facial expressions; I smiled and she beamed back. I watched her hands work swiftly with a heavy pair of scissors and expertly cut the smooth fabric into the outline of a shirt.


3Gabriella, in the photo with Wing, is an apprentice training to be a tailor. This business is traditionally dominated by men. Even the famous Savile Row in London has only just got its first female master tailor. I hope to bring Gabriella’s story to you in the future in the #BeBoldGirl series.


For a while now on the blog, on Tuesdays, I have been sharing stories of women like you and me who are overcoming challenges by being bold.

At first I hesitated in doing this series. Liz Curtis Higgs said when she asked a room full of Christ-following women if they wanted to be bold, hardly anyone put up their hand.

We don’t want to be bold it seems, because it comes across as pushy or arrogant.

“Am I making a mistake?” I wondered, “in promoting us to be fearless women?”

But, as Liz says, being gutsy on our own terms is often not pretty, but when the Lord leads boldness is attractive.

Being daring for Jesus is inviting.

And, I have a fabulous group of guest bloggers who share how they are being venturesome for Jesus. They are bold because of Jesus in their lives.

Their Story

When a loved one is diagnosed with a challenging illness like Alzheimers, Cynthia tells us how to take sure-footed steps.

Sarah shares how she could be confident about her future even as she let go of the security of her job.

Or Kim, when her children have flown the nest, explains how she is moving outside her comfort zone and beginning a new adventure of being a writer.

And Marlene brings to light what many of us feel challenged about—being the unique person God intends you to be.

Then there is Brooke who never thought God would be asking her to go into Angola or the Congo to help women with fistula. And Sarah, a baby Christian, is leading others in learning about Christ even though she feels unqualified.

You can check out all the #BeBold girls here.

I hope as you read what they have written you can identify one story with your own situation. Then as you learn from their bravery, I want you to be encouraged to live with the same dauntless faith.

In return, give the writers some encouragement and share a comment.

The best way to keep up with what is happening in the #BeBoldGirl series is to sign up so you don’t miss a beat. And tell your friends.

Starting later this month I will be sharing in installments the bold journey of Yar.

Yar says:

When I was just seven years old, the Sudanese government launch an attacked on my village and I witnessed the murder and torture of countless numbers of people. By twelve, I experienced such extreme starvation that I ate mud and drank urine in order to stay alive. I avoided lion and crocodile attacks, dodged enemy fire, and endured weeks of rain and months of drought.  To say that odds were not in my favor is an understatement.

Will you join me on her brave journey from the turmoil of Sudan to the safety of America? Yar’s story is overwhelming but it is full of strength and will give you a reason to hope.

Your story

So get in touch if you have a #BeBoldGirl story or if you know someone who has one. I would love to hear them and to share them.

Linking up with Crystal Storms at #IntentionalTuesday, Holley Gerth at #CoffeeForYourHeart and Holly Barrett at #TestimonyTuesday

  • Wonderful idea for a series! I am excited to read. Being bold in these times can sometimes be scary, but I just think of how bold Jesus was for us. I think about the disciples and how they were not all so bold in the days proceeding Jesus’s arrest. When we read about their actions we are so disappointed in them. But aren’t we just like them when we back down from sharing the gospel message with those around us? I don’t want to be like that. I want to be fearless for Jesus! I am visiting from #intentionaltuesday and would also love to have you linkup some time with #JesusandCoffee over at Have a wonderful week!

    • So often I back down from sharing the gospel. But I don’t want to be like that, either. Praying for God’s Spirit to fill us with boldness and give us the right words.

  • Wow, Rachel! What a series. I subscribed. Powerful stories, here. Thanks for BOLDLY encouraging boldness- this is something I pray for daily. #Intentionallypursuing

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