I’m pleased to welcome my friend and fellow cancer survivor, Stephanie K Adams, to the #BeBoldGirl series.  You’ll be encouraged by her story of praying God’s Word through her roughest days.  Welcome, Stephanie!

It has been exactly five years since the word ‘cancer’ rang in my ears. Shock, disbelief, and fear were immediately present, to say the least.

I knew the days ahead would be more difficult than anything I had ever experienced and there was no guarantee I would see the other side.

Words like ‘aggressive’, ‘poor prognosis’, ‘3-5 year lifespan’, were like mortar explosions rocking the foundation of my life.

When we find ourselves facing circumstances too heartbreaking, too heavy, too much to bear on our own, we can trust in God to remain faithful to His Word.

It would have been so incredibly easy for me to pull the covers over my head and let my days take their course; to give in to what seemed like defeat and the sinking fear of never living out my days as I had thought – my plans, my dreams.

But God always has His own plans of our lives, doesn’t He? We may not understand them; we may not agree with them in the moment, but His plans are far above our own.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

With tears in my eyes, the question poured from my lips, “Who will take care of my kids?”

My husband made a bold proclamation, “You. You will take care of the kids.”

As his words still hung in the air, God’s Spirit stepped out of Heaven and settled into my heart and I knew His promises were meant for my life, if only I would pray and believe.

So I made a desperate, bold decision. I held on to my Bible and scoured the pages for every promise I could find as if my life depended on it – because it did.

In that moment my life was like the Titanic sinking, and God’s Word was my life raft – it was the only thing that could save me.

I wrote down every life-giving verse I could find in a journal, kept beside my bed for the days when the chemo scattered my thoughts and my body was too tired to hold a heavy Bible. And then…I would pray.

I would remind God of every promise He had made in His Word. Every single verse that spoke life was turned into a prayer.

“So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it” Isaiah 55:11 ESV

When we find ourselves facing circumstances too heartbreaking, too heavy, too much to bear on our own, we can trust in God to remain faithful to His Word.

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24 ESV

Five years ago my prognosis included probable recurrence and/or death within 3-5 years. Instead, I am not only alive and well, but several weeks ago I was told I am technically considered “cured”.

And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.  Matthew 21:22 ESV

Our circumstances change when we stop praying our words and start praying His Words.

Yes, it’s scary. Yes, it’s bold. But if we dare to be bold in our prayers – praying Scripture – and have faith, God will keep His Word. He will move on our behalf and fulfill His plans in our lives.

Do you find yourself facing circumstances you didn’t plan for your life? Something that is too heartbreaking or too heavy to bear? What are some of God’s Scriptures you can use in your prayer time? Share with us how God’s promises are making a different in your life.

Father, I thank You for Your promises in Scripture. Thank You for Your faithfulness to keep Your promises and fulfill Your plans for our lives. Jesus, help us to hide Your Word in our heart and to stand in faith believing for Your goodness in our circumstances. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Stephanie K Adams is a writer, speaker, and founder of REAL Women Ministries, where a community of women gather to grow their Relationship with each other and God through Encouragement and Accountability to studying the Bible, and cultivating a Love for His Word.

Stephanie’s writings have been featured at The Blythe Daniel Agency’s Blog Spot, LifeNotes Cafe, Sweet Jesus Ministries, Sweet to the Soul Ministries, 818 Ministries, and Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation.

Stephanie enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and Saturday breakfast with her husband, Rick.

To join a community of real women sharing real live together, visit www.RealWomenMinistries.org or join us on Facebook or Instagram

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Linking up with Holly Barrett at #TestimonyTuesday

  • My mother faced that a few years ago. She was told she had stage 4 breast cancer and she immediately said no, I don’t. Before she went to the hospital I wrote a prayer and laid hands on her because when I entered her room, I felt the Holy Spirit grieving. Standing on Isaiah 53 she had no cancer. She had a hysterectomony later. Those first words are important, I’m glad your husband spoke up for you.

    • I totally agree! Our words can bring life or death and we must be careful how we speak into our own lives. I have never said “I have/had” (the C-word). I always say “I was diagnosed”. Because to say “I have” is to take possession of something that wasn’t mine. It was taken at the cross and healing was given. And the truth is, I WAS diagnosed with cancer, but that was not mine to keep.

      • Yes, I agree, another thing I ” my ” this or that. If only people would get the message. You have a wonderful testimony.

  • Stephanie, you brought tears to my eyes and I’m not a cryer! Thank you for this transparent look into your heart, your battle and your faith and victory! You have sharpened me!!! Praising Jesus for your healing and His glory in it all! Big hug and blessings to you! Shauna

    Rachel, thank you for your faithfulness to invite bold girls to share their hearts! You sharpen me too!!! Love you! Shauna

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