I’m so very blessed to be part of Stephanie Adams’ #RealHope blog series and Hope Is Holiday Devotional Study.

No tour buses make it to Shiloh. It is not considered to be safe. For Shiloh lies nestled in the troubled area of the West Bank in Israel.

A small group of us left our bulletproof vehicle and stood in the peaceful, wind-swept, desolate, stony landscape. There was nothing to fear. Ahead of us on an area of flat land a rectangle cleared of stones with a border marked by white rocks was visible. This is believed to be the site of the tabernacle mentioned in Joshua 18.

Joshua set up the tabernacle in this location after he defeated the Canaanites and claimed the land for the twelve tribes of Israel. The men and their families came to Shiloh to worship at the tabernacle. One of these men was Elkanah and his two wives, Hannah and Peninnah and her children.

We stood where Hannah prayed passionately for a baby and believed anything was possible with God.

Hannah’s belief in God’s action to make the impossible possible is recorded in her prayer in 1 Samuel 2.

Likewise, many hundreds of years later, Mary followed in Hannah’s footsteps. After being visited by the angel with the news she, a virgin, would give birth to God’s Son, Mary placed belief in the fact anything is possible with God. Her faith is documented in her song. [Continued …]

Join me on Stephanie’s blog to read the rest of today’s devotion!

And you can learn more about Stephanie’s online studies (and join this one) here:  Stephanie’s Bible Study page  Thank you, Stephanie, for including me.

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