It’s Tuesday and time for another #BeBoldGirl story!  I’m happy to welcome Dawn Klinge to the blog, sharing a her story of hope and dreams. This story was originally posted in June, 2016.  Be sure to read all the way to the bottom for an update from Dawn.

“I don’t really care if I get it or not. I just want to see what happens.”
How many times have you heard this phrase (or a variation of it) from someone you know? Maybe that someone was you. Did you believe it? Sometimes indifference is a mask for fear.

“Don’t get your hopes up.”
This is too often the response that many of us receive after setting a high goal. Why shouldn’t we have high hopes?

“Well, it’s all in God’s hands….”
There’s truth in this statement. God IS in control. But my feeling is, that too often, this phrase is used as an excuse, to avoid the work that’s required on our part, when we dare to hope for what we really want.

Being bold means daring to hope.

I’m not proud of what I’m going to tell you next. All three of the above quotes have come out of my own mouth at one time or another. I’ve said these things because I was scared.

As a follower of Christ, I don’t need to fear. I can be bold because my ultimate hope is found in Christ.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,” 1 Peter 1:3 (ESV)

Being honest with ourselves, about what it is we really want, is, of course, the necessary first step towards making it a reality. Next, we should know that not all desires are from God. We were made to glorify God. As Christians, we need to examine our hearts, asking God, in prayer, whether he placed those desires there, or if they come from our own sinful nature. When we’re confident that God has placed a particular desire within our heart, then we can be bold in our hope.

It took me many years to be bold enough to admit (even to myself) what it was I really wanted for myself. For me, it was writing. I’ve always wanted to be a writer- but I couldn’t even say it. Once I was honest with myself, and I knew this desire came from God, I could dare to hope. From hope, beautiful things start to happen.

My story isn’t complete. Beautiful things are happening, right now, as I’ve followed through on my hope to be a writer. I write on my blog. I’ve self-published a book. I’m submitting articles to larger publications. And I’m meeting a wonderful community of writers along the way.

It has been a great privilege to be able to use my writing to speak to others about the love of God. The journey, itself, is teaching me and preparing me for whatever it is that God has for me. And yes, sometimes it’s really hard.

I get impatient. I want more.

I don’t know what the ultimate outcome will be of my efforts- but I know that God placed a desire in my heart. I have hope. I can be bold and trust that God is with me, helping me along the way. My part is to be patient and put in the work.

What is it that you really want? What stirs your heart? Pay attention and you will see. Be honest with yourself. Often, this is the thing that makes you cry, for reasons you won’t always understand. Reading about an author getting their first big break does it for me. Those stories get me every time…uncontrollable tears. And I don’t often cry. This tells me that I need to pay attention.

Hope turns to action. As anyone who has dared to hope for something great already knows, there’s probably going to be a whole lot of effort and patience required from you before that hope is realized. Don’t let that scare you. If you are in Christ, you are not alone.

But you’re still going to need to get your hands dirty and get to work.

“Many things are possible for the person who has hope. Even more is possible for the person who has faith. And still more is possible for the person who knows how to love. But everything is possible for the person who practices all three virtues.” –Brother Lawrence

Being bold means daring to hope.

What is that you’re hoping for?

July, 2017 Update

As I read my own words, the truth that stood out most clearly was how God orchestrates life so beautifully.  The ways in which he has blessed me have not just been about blessing me…everything he does is so interconnected with other people’s lives.  I’ve continued to write, sharing the lessons God is teaching me along the way.  As time has passed, I think I can see more clearly how writing has been a blessing to me, but it’s about so much more than me.  It’s about God using the way he made me to show his love to others.  It’s all about God and his glory.  God has continued to put new desires in my heart and it is because of his past faithfulness that I am able to be bolder each time he gives me new dream.

Dawn KlingeDawn Klinge is the author of Look To Jesus: How to Let Go of Worry and Trust God. She writes about Christian faith regularly at Above the Waves, drawing on her experience as wife and mom to two. She holds a degree in education from University of Idaho. A pastor’s kid and a church girl her entire life, she’s still trying to figure out what it looks like to put her trust in Jesus. Dawn and her husband, Derek, live near Seattle, Washington. You can also find her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Don’t miss any of the inspiring #BeBoldGirl stories

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Linking up with Kelly Balarie at #RaRaLinkup and Holley Gerth at #CoffeeForYourHeart, with Kelly Balarie at #RaRaLinkup, Holley Gerth at #CoffeeForYourHeart

  • Thanks, Dawn and Rachel, for creating a space for candor and encouragement to hope. Recently when I was setting up a new signature on personal email, I deliberated way too long about whether to name myself as a children’s author. For me, hope means we’very got to name it (whatever “it” is) before we can claim it. Blessings and prayers for a hope filled day for you both.

  • Thank you for sharing this encouraging message on hope! Faith is action. Hope is action. As I eagerly wait for His direction, I meditate on Matthew 21:22, “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

  • Beautiful and encouraging post to read as there is something I am waiting in hope for at this time. I am so grateful that hope does not disappoint, for even in those times when I did not get what I was hoping, I learned and grew. Grateful to have read these words today!

  • This is so encouraging. Sometimes I need to be reminded that hope takes action and that its ok to hope. And to be bold in our hope! I love that!

  • Dawn,
    This was absolutely beautiful!The image of you bursting into tears at the story of a writer’s success … so precious! You have great big God things ahead of you and I am so privileged to know you! Your words and heart are such a blessing to me!

    Thank you so much for sharing this HOPE with us at Moments of Hope! I love, love, love … LOVE it!

  • What an inspiration post on the impact that hope can have in our lives Dawn! i love what you said about “hope turns into action” That along with the effort comes patience but God is with us through it all. May we all continue to be bold in Christ as we keep our hope in Him! Thank you for sharing such inspiring thoughts today Dawn. Have a wonderful week and may God continue to richly bless you and yours!

  • Thanks Dawn for stepping out in your bold way to share your words with others! And thanks Rachel for encouraging us all to be bold by sharing these stories! #BeBold!

  • Even when I know it is from God, I tend to want faster success and drive myself crazy! Learning to take things at God’s pace is certainly a process for me.

  • Hope turns into action – YES! So true. I love the idea of hope as action – moving forward! Thanks for sharing. 😉
    Sarah (

  • This really struck a chord with me today. When you said that hearing about an author getting their big break and having those uncontrollable tears…I had a conversation with my husband yesterday where I laid everything out. We have been chasing some gi-normous dreams. But it’s been very hard lately with sickness and with other things. I told him that we are average people living an average life in an average house with an average day job…who are also hosting a radio show and have had songs played on the radio and are planning to go to She Speaks and pitch a book. After so much difficulty, I asked him, ‘are we nuts? Is there something wrong with us? Does everyone else have this thing right by doing average and being average and not having these wild dreams?’ There is a tension that this causes, when you have a vision in your heart that does not entirely match where you come from and your reality. The thing that makes it possible is faith, hope and just keeping your eyes on the Lord. Thanks so much for sharing.

    • Rosa, I love how God works through average people. When he does this, there’s no denying that it’s all about Him. Thank you for your kind words.

  • I agree, you have to dare to hope. I’m always amazed that someone has read my blog or poetry, that I have been privileged to pray for women and speak life to them, one lady just went back to work after recovering from two kinds of cancer. God’s word is alive and powerful. Let’s expect the best from a good God.

    • Rebecca, I love how you said that, “let’s expect the best from a good God”. Thank you for your kind words.

  • “Being bold means daring to hope.” Absolutely! I love your honesty here, Dawn. You are a beautiful encouragement to all of the rest of us trying to form a brave hope as well.

  • Dawn- this is so authentic and we’re all guilty! Thank you for helping me understand that I’m not alone on this island of writing! Thank you Rachel for allowing Dawn to share today:-)

  • I’m guilty too, Dawn! This month I’m learning that patience is proactive and hope gets its hands dirty. it may just be time to be bold! Beautiful post! Thanks Rachel!! Blessings to you both!!

  • Dawn, what a treat to find your words here. The words of Paul in Romans 8 are singing their way through my brain as I finish your post: . . .now hope does not disappoint!

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