I’m so happy to welcome author and speaker Michelle Moore to the blog today as part of the #BeBoldGirl series.  Thank you, Michelle, for encouraging us to be bold in 2016.  #BeBoldGirl! 

It’s a brand new year brimming over with hope that this year will be the year! The year we put the past behind us and vow to never look back and strive ahead with bold confidence to face every resolution we made on New Year’s Eve.

This will be the year we lose the nagging few pounds that tease us to go up a size in our jeans.

This will be the year we go back to school and finish that degree we never got around to finishing.

This will be the year we finish writing that book we always wanted to write.

This will be the year we make a more concerted effort to spend time with our children and put our buzzing phones down.

But unfortunately, some of these things are the same resolutions we made last year but never got around to. So what’s missing?

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16 (NKJV)

BOLDNESS and COURAGE to believe in ourselves.

You see January is always full of excitement and determination, but then comes February.

Our willpower seems to have faded and our motivation is seriously lacking come February. This is not the time to give up on those dreams and goals. This is the time we need to add the secret ingredient to our success…prayer!

Actually, if we had invited God on our New Year’s resolution journey to begin with, we may not have faced the February funk when it comes to accomplishing some of these goals.

So let’s do what Hebrews 4:16 says we can do.

Approach the throne room of God and speak to Him directly… with BOLDNESS.

We can ask Him to help us stand up under temptation when we are ready to give up.

We can ask Him to align our vision with His and keep our eyes on the prize.

We can ask Him to help us forgive ourselves when we fall off track and give us the grace and mercy to pick ourselves back up and keep moving forward.

We can know with confidence that He hears us and rest in the fact that above all others, He is our biggest cheerleader in this process.

In Leviticus chapter 25 it talks about the Year of Jubilee. This year is significant in many ways, but one in particular says that if a fellow Israelite had sold themselves to work, by that seventh year, the Year of Jubilee, they are to be released to go back to their own home land. This in turns wipes their slate clean and gives the slave’s family a chance to start over and make a better life.

This year don’t carry the baggage of failed resolutions from 2015 with you, think you will have a repeat year of the last or wonder if you should even try!

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control]” 2 Timothy 1:7 (AMP)

Operate in the spirit of power! Love your family and yourself enough to make the changes needed for a better life! Use your sound judgment and personal discipline to stay on track and not give up!

Together let’s enter 2016 with boldness knowing, we truly can do all things through Christ!

Michelle MooreMichelle Moore is described as real, engaging, and practical. She is the author of Arm Yourself: Equipping Ourselves with the Armor of God which she self-published the fall of 2014. She is also the creator of the blog, My Heart’s Song, which is endorsed by Family Christian Store and posts a weekly devotion, as well as offering books, concerts, movies and music reviews and giveaways. Michelle has a passion for women in helping them to navigate through the negative stigma of mental illness. Michelle is also a down to earth speaker that is able to break down biblical principles and relate them to the modern day woman. To book Michelle for your next event contact her at michellemoore.heartssong@gmail.com.

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Linking up with Holly Barrett at #TestimonyTuesday

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