Moving house is stressful. According to one research company the strain of relocating will last more than three months. I think they’re underestimating the results.

Still, this explains my meltdowns this past week.

I went to bed worrying about where exactly my family and I will be laying our heads after June 28.

Oh, we have a rough plan to be in England for July, but so far we have not booked flights or a place to stay. My husband and I had a heated discussion. Uncertainty does that.

Transition also brings fear of the unknown, and anxiety over losing what we’ve relied on—the challenge of letting go I’ve been talking about.

This time of year, it’s a state for many of us.

I know one friend who has moved to another country, but for you it may be a change of school for your child, or worse still, the anticipation of sending them off to college in the fall.

There’s also the prospect of plans failing or being disrupted by circumstances outside our control.

My daughter, for instance, organized summer charity work months ago for when she finished her semester abroad. She should have boarded her plane in Hong Kong yesterday and arrived in France today. Yet, her plans were thwarted.

With the French on heightened security and the risk of a terrorist attack around the Euro 2016 soccer championship, the trip has been cancelled.

On one hand, I am relieved. On the other hand, the situation adds to my frustration. She can’t come home… we don’t have one.

So, when we’re flipping out, are we destined to be stressed out, or can we chill out?

My natural reaction, in these circumstances, is to do more to try and control my life. But, this usually stresses me out more.

Instead, I have learned, as I work out what to do, not to push God to one side, but fully embrace reliance on and trust in him.

This is when I pray. Schedule in a prayer time, I read today. It may cost you—time and planning—but it will be worth it.

Prayer doesn’t seem like a practical solution. If my house was burning down I may eventually get on my knees but first, I’d call the fire department. Yet, prayer offers a sensible resolution.

Research has shown praying helps relieve stress. One report says it

connects you to the world, which in turn enables you to stop trying to control things all by yourself. When you feel part of a greater whole, it’s easy to understand that you aren’t responsible for everything that happens in life.  Spirituality and Prayer Relieve Stress 

Prayer, though, is more than feeling you’re part of something bigger, it invites the one who is bigger into your circumstances.

The report goes on to say: faith attaches meaning to events. It gives folks hope, the ultimate stress reducer.

But, prayer invites us to hope in a reliable God despite the unreliable realities surrounding us.

Prayer is not an activity to make you feel better. Prayer is trust in a faithful God who takes our stress and lets us rest in the unknown.

What situations in your life are leading you to rest in the unknown?

  • Prayer is such a precious privilege, isn’t it? “Casting all your cares on Him, for He cares for you.” (I Peter 5:7) What grace! It’s through prayer that God changes us, molding us more closely into His image, infusing His strength and imparting His wisdom. Thank you for sharing with us at Grace & Truth!

  • Wow. You definitely have a lot going on, Rachel! I don’t always make peace with uncertainty without a battle first. 🙁 I’ll be praying that you’ll find rest in the midst of the chaos and that God will lead you on new and unexpected delightful adventures in the months ahead!

  • Rachel,
    So true that the more I try to control my life and its circumstances, the more anxious I get. Learning to let go and trust God releases my life from my hands and puts it in His (where it ultimately needs to be). Taking you up on your offer to chill out and pray. Praying for you sweet friend in all your upheaval. May God go ahead of you and bless you along the journey!!
    Bev xx
    ps. After England, let us know where you land?!

  • Wonderful assurance no matter what change we are experiencing. This > “Prayer is trust in a faithful God who takes our stress and lets us rest in the unknown.” Glad to have stopped here today.

  • Hi Rachel,
    Good luck with your move, I wish you the best in England. I didn’t know you were moving :(. Your book and prayer/exercise is truly inspiring.

    All the best,

    Sue Olson

    • Thank you Sue. We’ll be back! England is just for the summer but we’ll be back on the east coast in the fall. And we can keep in touch via this blog. 🙂 A benefit of the internet.

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