It takes a red Starbucks cup to remind me that I have come to enjoy “the holidays”—that festive season from Thanksgiving to New Year including Christmas and Hanukkah—here in the United States.


Starbucks cupIt’s mid November and the USA is gearing up. Catalogues overflow with holiday décor, while jars of chestnuts and gingerbread house kits fill the shelves in stores.

Americans sure know how to celebrate this season.

This year, I intend to join them. Our house will be full on with lights decorating the bushes outside, mantle swags, starlit white mock trees, a seven foot perfectly shaped real Christmas tree, christmas tree

and of course, a wreath hanging on the front door—all put up the day after Thanksgiving. Well, that’s my plan, anyway.


“Happy Holidays,” might even be uttered from my lips. I had one British friend living here who was most indignant that people greeted each other with Happy Holidays. She was a die-hard Christmas fan. It was Merry Christmas or nothing for her.

It will always be Christmas for me. Without God showing up on earth as a babe to save humanity, we would have nothing to celebrate.

Yet, the holidays have worked their magic on me. I can’t wait for the festivities to begin.

  • You’ve inspired me to get my act together. Not sure that the decorating will happen the day after, but sooner than usual. It’s Merry Christmas for me as well! Christ is the reason for the season.

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