We know what unfaithfulness looks like. People let us down all the time, and it hurts. We may have let people down too.
God, however, is completely faithful. Even though we might know this, it’s often hard to feel God’s faithfulness and trust in his unwavering support in our day-to-day living. Today, and throughout the week, we are going to pray to understand God is completely trustworthy.
God’s faithfulness means to “strengthen,” “support,” and “hold up.”
I like these meanings a lot. God’s faithfulness is like the pillars of an arch—standing strong when everything else has fallen away.
God’s faithfulness also means he is totally committed to his promises. And that God provides for us regardless of how faithful we are to him. This is what God does. He gives his best—the sun to warm and the rain to nourish—to everyone, regardless: the good and bad, the nice and nasty, says Matthew 5:45 MSG.
The ultimate way that God shows his faithfulness is in giving his Son, Jesus—his very best for you and me.
Are you ready to pray over the next few days to understand how God is faithful? Let’s get started.
Like the Psalmist, make this verse your prayer:
At each and every sunrise we will be thanking you for your kindness and your love. As the sun sets and all through the night, we will keep proclaiming, “You are so faithful!”
Psalm 92:2 TPT
Prayer 1
God, I know the sun will rise each morning. It rose today. It will rise tomorrow, and the next day. Wherever I am in the world, the sun rises. Whatever I am like, the sun rises. Help me to remember each morning that the sun is a symbol of your constant love and kindness that holds me up. I thank you for your faithfulness today.
Prayer 2
What do you need today? Ask God to provide.
Heavenly Father, today I am in need of your faithfulness. I need you to (choose one or all three):
strengthen me by _________________________________
support me by _________________________________
hold me up by _________________________________
Prayer 3
Pray for one person today who needs to know God is dependable and can be trusted—that he or she will: Know this: God, your God, is God indeed, a God you can depend upon. Deuteronomy 7:9 MSG
Today I pray for: _________________________________
Prayer 4
God is relentless in his love, mercy, and provision. Yet we can be flaky in our commitment to him. Where have you not shown commitment to God? Where have you not said “yes” to God today or this week? Or maybe you have hesitated to do what he asks of you.
Lord, forgive me for: _________________________________
Prayer 5
Where has God come through for you this week? Show your gratitude to God. Even if you cannot think of anything, the sun has risen today and you can thank him for that as an example of his constant love and kindness.
Heavenly Father, thank you for _________________________________
Prayer 6
Did God answer your requests in Prayer 2? Did he strengthen, support, or hold you up like you asked? Write down how he did this below. If God hasn’t answered your prayer yet, come back to it when he does.
God, I asked you to strengthen/support/hold me up and I thank you because you did by
How is God holding you up?