Have you ever considered how much trust we put in people each day? We depend on the barista to give us the best caffeinated coffee they can make. When we go to a restaurant, we count on the chef to keep his kitchen as hygienic as possible.

These matters might be of small importance, but there are bigger ways we have faith in people, too. For instance, if we’re traveling, then we put our trust in the pilot of the plane to get us safely to our destination. 

If we are able to trust people who are not perfect at what they do, don’t care one hundred percent, and who can make mistakes—hopefully not when we’re flying—why do we have a hard time trusting God who is perfect, who cares completely, and who is one hundred percent invested in our wellbeing? 

“I will proclaim the name of the Lord,” Moses said at the end of his life. “He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.” Deuteronomy 32:3-4

Moses trusted God. Yet, trust in God didn’t come easily to Moses, and often it doesn’t come easily to us either.

Faced with a challenge which seemed beyond his abilities, Moses questioned God. and made excuses. He did, in the end, do what God asked of him, and saw the many wonders and power of what God could do through his obedience.

He witnessed God’s faithfulness to a people of ungratefulness and unfaithfulness when they turned away from God and made their own gods to worship.

He saw God’s protection and provision when God their Rock gave them water from the rock to quench their thirst, and food when they grew hungry.

Most of all, he witnessed the liberation of God’s people and saw God’s faithfulness in bringing them to the Promised Land.

The same faithful God is our God too. He is faithful to you and me. He is good and he is gracious.

Maybe like Moses at the beginning of his calling, you are learning to trust God, but you are lacking confidence. Ask God to show you small ways you can start trust him.

Perhaps you are more mature in years and you have seen God’s faithfulness over your life. You know what it is to trust him. Just like Moses encouraged Joshua to trust God, is there someone you can encourage to stay strong?

Or you could feel more like the people. You have turned your back on God, or walked away from him for whatever reason. God is always faithful in welcoming you back. He is gracious and forgiving.

Use this Prayer today:

Lord God, you are perfectly faithful in everything you do. You show your faithfulness to me in caring for me, protecting me, and providing for my needs.

Forgive me for the times I question you, grumble about my circumstances, or turn my back on you.

I want to be like Moses and trust you even when I’m feeling unsure and my confidence is shaky. Show me one small way I can trust you today.

I want to declare your faithfulness with certainty to those around me so they will put their faith and trust in you. Show me who I can encourage today.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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