Today I am pleased to be guest posting for my friends Christa at Do A New Thing as part of her New Year, New Thing series.  The series looks at fresh approaches to old resolutions that are commonly broken.  I’m sharing a bold new way to look at your healthy resolutions.  

The headline Get Your New Body Now jumps out at me from a magazine cover at the supermarket checkout as I’m piling bags of chips I can’t resist, and baklava I fancy having as a treat, onto the belt. “A new body—wouldn’t that be great,” I’m thinking.

I’ve been that route before. I’ve taken out a start of the New Year gym membership with the good intentions of running on the treadmill and pumping iron three times a week. Yet, soon one week goes by, and then another, and my bag of workout clothes still sits on my bedroom floor. It’s an expensive mistake.

Then I see a group promoting personal transformation. Achieve greater emotional satisfaction and inner peace, it says. I read on: Awaken the self within you. Access your inner wisdom. I’m not sure I would trust my own wisdom, and alternative healing and mindfulness doesn’t sound biblical.

There are many opportunities available to improve our health and a lot of these are good. I think they just miss an important point.

Join me a Christa’s place to read the entire post!

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