Create A Prayer Habit

How great are your actions, Lord! How deep are your thoughts!

(Psalm 92:5 GNT)

Start with:

God, I praise you because you do only great things. Your thoughts are profound, with wonderful purpose and meaning.

Think about the day ahead. Ask God to meet your needs. 

Heavenly Father, today I need You to do a miracle in: _________________________________.

Pray for one person today for God to do a great work in his/her life. 

Today I pray for: _________________________________.

Where have you not been listening for God’s profound thoughts? 

Lord, forgive me for: _________________________________.

What amazing thing has God done in your life either recently or in the past? Show your gratitude to God. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for _________________________________.

As you go into your day, or if this is the end of your day, ask God to speak profoundly to you. 

God, I ask you to give me ears to hear what you have to say about _________________________________.

Finish with these words:

I pray to You, God, because You will help me. Listen and answer my prayer! Psalm 17:6 CEV

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