Create A Prayer Habit

We know the importance and value of prayer. As James 5:16 (NIRV) says:  The prayer of a godly person is powerful. Things happen because of it.

Sometimes, though, we need a little help to find a routine and pray consistently — to make prayer a habit. I want to help you get intentional in your prayer life.

Each day I will provide you with an opportunity to practice prayer — to help you pray naturally. These will be simple, biblically-based prayer prompts with fill-in-the-blanks that you can personalize for yourself and your life.

Here is today’s prayer prompt:

God has many different names which express the characteristics of his being and the rich relationship he has with us. Today, we will focus on one of God’s names or characteristics.

The Living God

My soul thirsts, pants, and longs for the living God. I want to come and see the face of God. Psalm 42:2 TPT

Start with:
God, I praise you not only because you are real and living, but you are the way to life that lasts forever and you promise me a full and fulfilling life. You are El Chayim, the Living God.

Think about the day ahead. Ask God to meet your need. 
El Chayim, today I need you to give me energy and bring life in the area of _________________________________.

Pray for one person who needs to believe in the new life God has to offer. 
Today, I bring before you _________________________________.

Thank God for the life he has given you, that you are breathing and your heart is beating. Thank him for the everlasting life you have with him.

Show your gratitude to God. 
Heavenly Father, thank you for _________________________________.

As you go into your day, or if this is the end of your day, ask God to bring fullness into one area of your life.
God, I ask you to fill my life with more of your power and strength, particularly in the area of  _________________________________.

Finish with these words:
I pray to you, God, because you will help me. Listen and answer my prayer! Psalm 17:6 CEV

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