Boldly Surrender

Today I welcome Michele Edwards as our #BeBoldGirl as she challenges us to give up the security of our comforts and surrender areas of our lives where we like to be in control. Welcome, Michele.

Uncertainty has always been my kryptonite….

“Will they like me?”

Boldly Surrender

“When will he ask me to marry him?”

“Will I have children?”

“What did they get me?”

“Will I succeed?”

I love the comfort of knowing what’s to come, even if it means knowing misery.

This comfort is what kept me marrying a man I knew wasn’t right for me. It kept me seeking comfort in food. It kept me playing small in my business and in my life.

I was so afraid of the unknown I would find myself going with whatever I knew was certain, even if it wasn’t the right thing.

When I decided to leave my comfortable corporate job for the entrepreneurial journey it sent my life into a spiral of unknown and caused complete chaos in my life.

This is when God pursued me.

He showed me the beauty behind surrendering my life to Him and His plan. I took His hand and slowly followed His steps towards healing, freedom, and peace.

My walk with God over the last 4 years has brought me to a place I never thought I’d be. He’s blessed me in unbelievable ways but it hasn’t come without a price and tough lessons learned.

Nine months ago I found myself in a place where I thought I had surrendered to God, but really I had surrendered my life to alcohol.

Alcohol had given me a false sense of security. It quieted the fear of uncertainty and made me feel like I could do anything.

You see, I had a successful business, great marriage, and great kids but I was filled with shame, guilt, and pain.

When I boldly faced my demons and surrendered my life to God he gave me strength, relationships, and peace I never thought I’d have.

Acknowledge Your Fear

Get out a journal and write a letter to God. Share with Him the thoughts, feelings, fears, and mistakes weighing you down. Sweet Friend, lay it all at his feet. You don’t have to carry it any longer.

Shine Light on Your Pain

Shame, guilt, and pain thrive in darkness. Surrender all of it to God and pray He’ll send you someone you can share your pain with. Someone has, or is, going through the same things you are. Friend, you are not alone!

Ask for Forgiveness

Our God is a loving and gracious God. He wants you to have a flourishing and fruitful life. Call out to Him and ask for forgiveness of your sins. Allow Him to take away the bitterness and anger you’re holding on to.

Continually Surrender

To experience true freedom in your life you must boldly surrender your life to God everyday. You must continually give Him all of your fear, worry, and pain!

Fully surrendering to God may be one of the hardest things you’ve ever done but it will also be the most rewarding.

I’ve learned to surrender my money, marriage, parenting, and business to Him. I may not always like the answer but as he continues to guide me I’ve learned His path is always better.

Michele Edwards, owner of Michele A Edwards Coaching, is a Christian Life+Business Coach for Faith Focused Entrepreneurs. She helps women entrepreneurs bring their business dreams to life. She mentors purpose driven women in digital marketing, business launches, web design, and branding. She creates business strategies to drive success while keeping God center. She currently lives in Utah with her husband and 3 children.

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  • Good for you, alcohol and drugs are a false security, and a lie that leads you down the wrong path, thankfully He is the way, the truth and the life. God bless.

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