
Cynthia Fantasia

When Rachel Britton speaks - I listen - because I grow.  She speaks with depth, with relevance, and with passion because Rachel speaks from a heart that desires to know God more.  Whatever your age or stage, you will be enriched by Rachel's message.

Rev. Dr. Cynthia Fantasia
Pastor of Women (retired), Grace Chapel, Lexington MA

Rachel Britton

Rev. Dr. Cynthia Fantasia
Pastor of Women (retired), Grace Chapel, Lexington MA

When Rachel Britton speaks - I listen - because I grow.  She speaks with depth, with relevance, and with passion because Rachel speaks from a heart that desires to know God more.  Whatever your age or stage, you will be enriched by Rachel's message.
About the Author

I am a British-born blogger, author and speaker—a sojourner in America whose desire it to encourage women to know their worth so they can live dauntless and be bold on the journey.

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  • rachel@rachelbritton.com
