Be Bold. Honestly, isn’t that how you want to live your life?
Not in a disrespectful or brash kind of way, but being confident and courageous in your day-to-day activities, and especially when you face problems and difficulties.
I want to get out of bed each morning knowing I can do it. I want my daughter to believe she is strong enough and she can do it. I want the woman in my neighborhood or across the other side of the world, who may not have the same opportunities as myself, to know that she can live boldly, too.
I want YOU to know you can do it.
The #BeBoldGirl series shares personal stories of women like you and me who are overcoming challenges by being bold.
Stories range from one #BeBoldGirl deciding to step out in faith and leave her job and secure income, to another #BeBoldGirl facing the challenges of a husband developing Alzheimer’s.
So, I am sure you will be able to find something to empower you to be venturesome in your own life, and in your journey with Jesus, whether you are starting out or you have been walking with him for many years.
If these stories encourage you, leave a comment of encouragement for the writer, too.
If you have a #BeBoldGirl story you would like to share, submit it here!