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Prayerwalking: Walking for your health, praying for your community

I am delighted to welcome award-winning speaker and author Janet Holm McHenry onto the blog sharing the benefits of prayingwalking and easy steps to get started.

Some years ago I was falling apart physically. I needed to do something about my health, but I also knew God had been nudging me to spend more time with him. So I decided to get up just a little bit earlier the next day to walk. And while I walked, I would take care of my prayer lists. 

There was a lot of my-ness in those early prayers: my marriage, my kids, my teaching job. But that changed when I saw a young man entrust his blanketed little girl to the daycare worker outside Toddler Towers in our town of eight hundred in the Sierra Valley. 

At that moment before six in the morning that little girl said, “Bye, Daddy. I love you.” I knew right then that God had me out on the streets of my town not so much for my prayers but more for the needs of the people in my community.

I began opening up my eyes and praying for the business owners along Main Street, the commuters headed to Reno, and the folks still sleeping in their homes. Soon I realized I didn’t have enough time to pray and began to add more minutes until I was walking a good hour or more each day—also praying for the school teachers and staff, the city and county employees, church pastors, and hospital and emergency services workers. 

There’s a biblical rationale for prayerwalking. 

Because I began to understand that wherever I was, there was a need for prayer, my mindset shifted from a self-focused perspective to an outward one, and my fears and depression vanished. I also experienced physical healing. 

During this crazy season there’s no reason we can’t go for a good walk, which will develop our strength and resistance. 

In fact, walking as an exercise is making a comeback, and as we embrace it, we can multi-task our miles by praying for our neighborhoods. Here are some suggestions to carry it off well:

As you prayerwalk your community, you will develop a praying-without-ceasing perspective, and God will hear and answer your prayers. 

Janet Holm McHenry is the author of 24 books, including the bestselling PrayerWalk: Becoming a Woman of Prayer, Strength and Discipline (WaterBrook). She loves to speak about how God has transformed her life as she has partnered with God in prayer and invites you to connect with her through her Facebook author page, her group called The Walking Club, or her website:

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