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Perfect Encouragement for an Imperfect Life

In the messiness of our everyday lives, we often feel second-rate, until we have an encounter with the love and acceptance of an encourager.  The Gospel of John tells just such a story of the beautiful interaction between the perfect man and an imperfect woman.

The Samaritan woman was bubbling over with excitement after talking to Jesus. You know how it is when you’ve made an important discovery; you want to tell someone about it. You stop what you’re doing and share your news—a Facebook post, a text message to a friend, or a phone call to your spouse. This woman rushed back to town, forgetting her need for water from the well. She searched for someone willing to listen to her about a man she had met, and to bring them to meet Him. She had found Jesus, who made her feel better about herself, and her life. Not only that, but He talked about being able to quench her spiritual thirst—that longing deep inside her to which she had not yet found an answer.

Come and see a man who told me everything I did,” she exclaimed to her neighbors. Let’s pause here for a moment. If I had been in her shoes, I would not have admitted Jesus told me He knew all about my life. Surely her statement would lead to a response, something like: “What did He tell you?” And, then the Samaritan woman would have had to admit she’d had five husbands and was living with a man who wasn’t her husband. Her life was nothing to boast about in the culture of her day. Even by today’s standards, her life was messy.

So, why was the Samaritan woman so excited Jesus knew all about her? I think there are three reasons for her joy.

Jesus did not condemn or try to humiliate the people he came to save.

The Bible tells us God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

We have nothing to worry about when we come to Jesus.

We do not need to hide the messiness of our past, or our present lives, behind a composed exterior.

So, we can come and kneel before Jesus in prayer, and simply say, “Here I am, messy me.”

 Jesus takes us as we are, and he takes our wrongdoing. He tells us we can get to our feet again, and proclaim to be children of God, pure and precious in His sight.

Has Jesus’ offer of love, favor and acceptance impacted your messy life?  How can you share that encouragement with other imperfect people?

This week, I was thrilled to guest post for my friend Mandy Hill at We Are His Daughters.  Visit us there:  Does God Really Love Me?

And I am linking up with Susannah Kellogg at #FaithandFellowship,  Sue Detweiler at #LifeGivingLinkup,  Susan Mead at #DanceWithJesus and Kelly Balarie/Abby McDonald at #RaRaLinkup

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