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Today’s Prayer Prompt Day 11

Create A Prayer Habit

We know the importance and value of prayer. As James 5:16 (NIRV) says:  The prayer of a godly person is powerful. Things happen because of it.

Sometimes, though, we need a little help to find a routine and pray consistently — to make prayer a habit. I want to help you get intentional in your prayer life.

Each day I will provide you with an opportunity to practice prayer — to help you pray naturally. These will be simple, biblically-based prayer prompts with fill-in-the-blanks that you can personalize for yourself and your life.

Here is today’s prayer prompt:

You’re as real to me as bedrock beneath my feet, like a castle on a cliff, my forever firm fortress, my mountain of hiding, my pathway of escape, my tower of rescue where none can reach me. My secret strength and shield around me, you are salvation’s ray of brightness shining on the hillside, always the champion of my cause. Psalm 18:2  TPT

Start with:
My God, I love you because you make me stand on firm ground, you surround me and keep me safe, you rescue me from harm and fight for me. You are a wonderful God.

Think about the day ahead. Ask God to meet your needs. 
Heavenly Father, today I need you to make a pathway of escape from: _________________________________

Pray for one person today who needs to be rescued from harm’s way. 
Today I pray for: _________________________________

What have you not been believing God will save you from?
Lord, forgive me for _________________________________

Remember a time God rescued you or the time you were first saved. Show your gratitude to God.
Heavenly Father, thank you for _________________________________

As you go into your day, or if this is the end of your day, tell God where you want to see his saving power.
God, I ask you to show me _________________________________

Finish with these words:

I pray to you, God, because you will help me. Listen and answer my prayer! Psalm 17:6 CEV

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