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God says you are his masterpiece

On a visit to a glassblowing and pottery studio in Vermont, I got to watch a potter working on a wheel. The skill with which he turned a grey, wet lump of clay into a beautiful and valuable object was truly amazing. With firm, but gentle, hands he pressed and molded the clay into a vase as the wheel spun. His mastery made creating pottery look so easy, but it clearly takes time and training to get good results.

Throughout the Bible, God is often referred to as a potter and the metaphor of a potter working the clay is applied to creating and shaping his people. 

Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.

Isaiah 64:8

You are the beautiful work of your heavenly Father’s loving hands. Do you know that?

Let’s pause for a moment and consider what it means to be God’s workmanship.

In the creation story, God formed Adam out of the ground (Genesis 2:7). This gives us a picture of God forming, like a potter, and bringing the first human being to life. Then we learn of a new creation through Jesus Christ—how spiritual life is given to us that while we were spiritually dead in our disobedience he brought us to life with Christ (Ephesians 2:10) and how if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17).

It’s amazing to think that God can take us, when we are spiritually lifeless and totally useless, and make us bursting with life and valuable to him. 

We are indeed incredible masterpieces of God’s creation—made in his image as human beings, recreated through faith in Christ, and being molded and shaped each day to be like Jesus. 

You are not only beautiful, but precious because of God’s creative work on your life.

Yet, there is one more thing. God, your heavenly Father, lovingly molds you for his purpose.

For, not only are you beautiful in God’s eyes, and he is pleased with his good creation, but you have a role to fulfill in this life.

Our Reactions

Sometimes we forget God has created us, recreated us through Jesus, and given us new life for doing his work.

Let’s not be like the beautiful yellow pottery jug I purchased in France. It sits on my countertop, admired but not used. The potter created it to hold water, or maybe wine, and to be passed around at family meals times or when guests came to dine—to be handed from person to person, for it’s beauty to be commented on, but for it not to stand idle.

We’re not made to just sit and do nothing. God fashioned us so that we would do good in everything we do and to everyone we meet.

What is God asking you to do for him, and to bring glory to him? It might be as simple as a smile to a passing stranger on the street. It might be to give your time and serve in your church community. Or, perhaps to care for the amazing world God has created.

Use the prayer below to make your response.

Your Response

Lord God,

I am your amazing and beautiful masterpiece.

You have created me for purpose —

In your image, and to be like Jesus.

I want to shine and be beautiful for you.

Renew my purpose today.

Show me what you want me to do

so I can bring glory to you,

joy to those around me,

so everyone knows of your love.


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