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Christmas is for Giving

One Christmas rhyme I always sing this time of year is:

Christmas is coming

The geese are getting fat

Who’ll put a penny in the old man’s hat

If you haven’t got a penny, a ha-penny will do

If you haven’t got a ha-penny, a farthing will do

If you haven’t got a farthing, God bless you.

The coins mentioned date the rhyme, which is well before my time. But, the meaning is timeless. The festive season is an opportunity for goodwill, according to your resources. Regardless of what you give, you will be blessed.

‘Tis the season for giving.

And, I have this special opportunity to give to you.

Together with some of my blogger friends, we are giving away $250 in PayPal credit. Don’t miss out on this awesome giveaway.  I would really love for one of my readers to win it!

It may be the gift you need this Christmas, or it may give you the opportunity to give to someone else. Whichever it is, I am excited to share it with you.

Enter and get a friend to participate … I hope you win.



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