Site icon Rachel Britton

A Prayer to Know You Are Equipped

We travel a lot. Being on the road means being away from things that I have easily at hand for all eventualities in life. So, I like to be prepared for any unpredictable event on our journeys. I carry a small make-up bag and each trip I make sure it is fully stocked. If my flight is delayed overnight, for instance, then I have nothing to worry about. The bag holds a tiny deodorant stick, comb, small tube of toothpaste, disposable toothbrush, sample size mascara and eyeliner, cotton buds, band-aids…. I am confident because I have everything I need.

The Bible is like my small bag. In it, we have everything we need for whatever we face in life. We can be confident that God’s words can inform us for every step we make, everything we do, and even the direction in which we need to go. What eventuality do you need God’s words to instruct on today?

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living, so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed (2 Timothy 3:16-17 GNT).

Take a moment to ponder God’s words. Then make the prayer your own.


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