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A Prayer to be Fruitful

A prayer to be fruitful

My father was an apple farmer. One day, visiting the orchard with him, he showed me a special tree. He was grafting one variety of apple onto the tree of a different apple variety. Tape held a branch in place on the tree. It would remain that way until the branch had joined itself to the tree. Even though it was held in the place, the branch was gaining the necessary nutrients and moisture it needed to grow and produce apples. Eventually it would bear fruit. I was amazed by my father’s farming skills.

We are like that apple branch. God, the farmer, grafts each one of us into his family tree. As God’s children, we come in different shapes, sizes and varieties. Yet, when we stay close to God and grow more like Jesus, we bear his fruit. That fruit in our lives reflects his Spirit.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

Take a moment to ponder God’s words. Then make the prayer your own.


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