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A Prayer for Fresh Strength

A prayer to be strengthened

I have climbed Quandary Peak in Colorado twice. This is one of the mountains in the Rockies that stands at over 14,000 feet (4300 metres) high. The hike, starting around 11,000 feet, is three miles to the summit with an elevation gain of 3,450 feet and takes about three hours. It is hard work particularly near the summit because one is climbing at high altitude with less oxygen. It requires walking at a slow, steady pace with frequent stops to regain one’s energy.

Life can often feel like we are climbing a mountain. It can be exhausting and hard work. The Bible encourages us to take frequent stops and to “wait”—to trust in God’s strength. We are to persevere believing he will come through for us and give us the stamina we need. Do you need to spend some time “waiting” on God today or build in regular “stops” with him in your life? 

He energizes those who get tired, gives fresh strength to dropouts…But those who wait upon God get fresh strength (Isaiah 40:29, 31 MSG).

Take a moment to ponder God’s words. Then make the prayer your own.


A prayer to be strengthened
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